About Gabriel Group


Innovation and value-adding partnerships are fundamental values of Gabriel’s mission statement. Gabriel is a niche company which, in the entire value chain from concept to furniture user, develops, manufactures and sells upholstery fabrics, components, upholstered surfaces and related products and services. Gabriel develops its services to be used in fields of application where product features, design and logistics have to meet invariable requirements, and where quality and environmental management must be documented.


Gabriel is to be the preferred development partner and supplier to selected leading international manufacturers and major users of upholstered furniture, seats and upholstered surfaces. 

Gabriel will achieve Blue Ocean status through an innovative business concept, patents, licences, exclusivity agreements or similar rights. Gabriel will have the status of an attractive workplace and partner company for competent employees and companies.

About Gabriel Group Company Structure

Company structure

The Gabriel Group consists of three operating companies and the property company Gabriel Ejendomme A/S. 
The three operating companies, Gabriel A/S in Europe, Gabriel Asia Pacific in Asia and Gabriel North America Inc. in North America ensure that the Group's overall goals of innovating and adding value are achieved with appropriate regional adjustments.

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The Gabriel Culture

The shared and unwavering commitment of our employees has brought Gabriel to where it is today, and their efforts are defining for our company, its success, and future.

Gabriel Culture
Helsinki showroom 2

Growth Journey

Gabriel Group has been on a yearlong growth journey and is expecting the journey to continue in the years to come. 

Growth Journey

History: Gabriel Fabrics

Our story begins in 1851 in Denmark with a watermill by a small stream. Innovation, entrepreneurship, and a will to succeed drove the company into the Gabriel we know today.

Fabrics from the very beginning
Gabriel Fabrics Inspiration Caring For Nature Since 1851 1

CO2e neutral

Gabriel’s continued climate efforts ensure that the Group main­tains its CO2e neutrality within Scope 1 and 2, in accordance with the international Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Caring for nature